Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited






  RUPAM SINGH                                                                                              ROLL NO. 2309628                                                                                                             MECH. ENGG
                                                                                                     AMBALA COLLEGE OF ENGG.  &   APPLIED RESEARCH
                                 MITHAPUR,AMBALA -133101

1.        Prologue         A.    BHEL            An Overview
                                           B.           HEEP                 An Overview
2.        Study on Turbines & Auxiliary Block
3.        Study on Material Specification
4.        Broad Specification of Major Machines Tools & Machines
           (CNC & Non CNC)
5.        Other Areas


A.   bhel – an overview

BHEL is the largest engineering and manufacturing enterprise in India in the energy related infrastructure sector today. BHEL was established more than 40 years ago when its first plant was setup in Bhopal ushering in the indigenous Heavy Electrical Equipment Industry in India a dream which has been more than realized with a well recognized track record of performance it has been earning profits continuously since 1971-72.
 BHEL caters to core sectors of the Indian Economy viz., Power Generation's & Transmission, Industry, Transportation, Telecommunication, Renewable Energy, Defense, etc. The wide network of BHEL's 14 manufacturing division, four power Sector regional centre, over 150 project sites, eight service centre and 18 regional offices, enables the Company to promptly serve its customers and provide them with suitable products, systems and services – efficiently and at competitive prices. BHEL has already attained ISO 9000 certification for quality management, and ISO 14001 certification for environment management.


Power generation sector comprises thermal, gas, hydro and nuclear power plant business as of 31.03.2001, BHEL supplied sets account for nearly 64737 MW or 65% of the total installed capacity of 99,146 MW in the country, as against nil till 1969-70.
BHEL has proven turnkey capabilities for executing power projects from concept to commissioning, it possesses the technology and capability to produce thermal sets with super critical parameters up to 1000 MW unit rating and gas turbine generator sets of up to 240 MW unit rating. Co-generation and combined-cycle plants have been introduced to achieve higher plant efficiencies. to make efficient use of the high-ash-content coal available in India, BHEL supplies circulating fluidized bed combustion boilers to both thermal and combined cycle power plants.
The company manufactures 235 MW nuclear turbine generator sets and has commenced production of 500 MW nuclear turbine generator sets.
Custom made hydro sets of Francis, Pelton and Kapian types for different head discharge combination are also engineering and manufactured by BHEL.
In all, orders for more than 700 utility sets of thermal, hydro, gas and nuclear have been placed on the Company as on date. The power plant equipment manufactured by BHEL is based on contemporary technology comparable to the best in the world and is also internationally competitive.
The Company has proven expertise in Plant Performance Improvement through renovation modernisation and uprating of a variety of power plant equipment besides specialised know how of residual life assessment, health diagnostics and life extension of plants.
BHEL offer wide ranging products and systems for T & D applications. Products manufactured include power transformers, instrument transformers, dry type transformers, series – and stunt reactor, capacitor tanks, vacuum – and SF circuit breakers gas insulated switch gears and insulators.
A strong engineering base enables the Company to undertake turnkey delivery of electric substances up to 400 kV level series compensation systems (for increasing power transfer capacity of transmission lines and improving system stability and voltage regulation), shunt compensation systems (for power factor and voltage improvement) and HVDC systems (for economic transfer of bulk power). BHEL has indigenously developed the state-of-the-art controlled shunt reactor (for reactive power management on long transmission lines). Presently a 400 kV Facts (Flexible AC Transmission System) project under execution.
BHEL  is a major contributor of equipment and systems to industries. Cement, sugar, fertilizer, refineries, petrochemcials, paper, oil and gas, metallurgical and other process industries lines and improving system stability and voltage regulation, shunt compensation systems (for power factor and voltage improvement) and HVDC systems (for economic transfer of bulk power) BHEL has indigenously developed the state-of-the-art controlled shunt reactor (for reactive power management on long transmission lines). Presently a 400 kV FACTS (Felxible AC Transmission System) projects is under execution.


BHEL is a major contributor of equipment and systems to industries, cement, sugar, fertilizer, refinances, petrochemicals, paper, oil and gas, metallurgical and other process industries. The range of system & equipment supplied includes: captive power plants, co-generation plants DG power plants, industrial steam turbines, industrial boilers and auxiliaries. Wate heat recovery boilers, gas turbines, heat exchangers and pressure vessels, centrifugal compressors, electrical machines, pumps, valves, seamless steel tubes, electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters, reactors, fluidized bed combustion boilers, chemical recovery boilers and process controls.
The Company is a major producer of large-size thruster devices. It also supplies digital distributed control systems for process industries, and control & instrumentation systems for power plant and industrial applications. BHEL is the only company in India with the capability to make simulators for power plants, defense and other applications.
The Company has commenced manufacture of large desalination plants to help augment the supply of drinking water to people.


BHEL is involved in the development design, engineering, marketing, production, installation, maintenance and after-sales service of Rolling Stock and traction propulsion systems. In the area of rolling stock, BHEL manufactures electric locomotives up to 5000 HP, diesel-electric locomotives from 350 HP to 3100 HP, both for mainline and shunting duly applications. BHEL is also producing rolling stock for special applications viz., overhead equipment cars, Special well wagons, Rail-cum-road vehicle etc., Besides traction propulsion systems for in-house use, BHEL manufactures traction propulsion systems for other rolling stock producers of electric locomotives, diesel-electric locomotives, electrical multiple units and metro cars. The electric and diesel traction equipment on India Railways are largely powered by electrical propulsion systems produced by BHEL. The company also undertakes retooling and overhauling of rolling stock in the area of urban transportation systems. BHEL is geared up to turnkey execution of electric trolley bus systems, light rail systems etc. BHEL is also diversifying in the area of port handing equipment and pipelines transportation system.



BHEL also caters to Telecommunication sector by way of small, medium and large switching systems.



Renewable Energy

Technologies that can be offered by BHEL for exploiting non-conventional and renewable sources of energy include: wind electric generators, solar photovoltaic systems, solar lanterns and battery-powered road vehicles. The Company has taken up R&D efforts for development of multi-junction amorphous silicon solar cells and fuel based systems.

International Operations

BHEL has, over the years, established its references in around 60 countries of the world, ranging for the  United States in the West to New Zealand in the Far East. These references encompass almost the entire product range of BHEL, covering turnkey power projects of thermal, hydro  and gas-based types, substation projects, rehabilitation projects, besides a wide variety of products, like transformers, insulators, switchgears, heat exchangers, castings and forgings, valves, well-head equipment, centrifugal compressors, photo-voltaic equipment etc. Apart from over 1110MW of  boiler capacity contributed in Malaysia, and execution of four prestigious power projects in Oman, Some of the other major successes achieved by the Company have been in Australia, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Egypt, Bangladesh, Azerbaijan, Sri Lanka, Iraq etc.
The Company has been successful in meeting demanding customer's requirements in terms of complexity of the works as well as technological, quality and other requirements viz extended warrantees, associated O&M, financing packages etc. BHEL has proved its capability to undertake projects on fast-track basis. The company has been successful in meeting varying needs of the industry, be it captive power plants, utility power generation or for the oil sector requirements. Executing of Overseas projects has also provided BHEL the experience of working with world renowned Consulting Organisations and inspection Agencies.
In addition to demonstrated capability to undertake turnkey projects on its own, BHEL possesses the requisite flexibility to interface and complement with International companies for large projects by supplying complementary equipment and meeting their production needs for intermediate as well as finished products.
The success in the area of rehabilitation and life extension of power projects has established BHEL as a comparable alternative to the original equipment manufactures (OEMs) for such plants.

Technology Upgradation and Research & Development

To remain competitive and meet customers' expectations, BHEL lays great emphasis on the continuous upgradation of products and related technologies, and development of new products. The Company has upgraded its products to contemporary levels through continuous in house efforts as well as through acquisition of new technologies from leading engineering organizations of the world.
The Corporate R&D Division at Hyderabad, spread over a 140 acre complex, leads BHEL's research  efforts in a number of areas of importance to BHEL's product range. Research and product development centers at each of the manufacturing divisions play a complementary role.
BHEL's Investment in R&D is amongst the largest in the corporate sector in India. Products developed in-house during the last five years contributed about 8.6% to the revenues in 2000-2001.
BHEL has introduced, in the recent past, several state-of-the-art products developed in-house: low-NQx oil / gas burners, circulating fluidized bed combustion boilers, high-efficiency Pelton hydro turbines, petroleum depot automation systems, 36 kV gas-insulated sub-stations, etc. The Company has also transferred a few technologies developed in-house to other Indian companies for commercialisation.
Some of the on-going development & demonstration projects include: Smant wall blowing system for cleaning boiler soot deposits, and micro-controller based governor for diesel-electric locomotives. The company is also engaged in research in futuristic areas, such as application of super conducting materials in power generations and industry, and fuel cells for distributed, environment-friendly power generation.

Human Resource Development Institute

The most prized asset of BHEL is its employees. The Human Resource Development Institute and other HRD centers of the Company help in not only keeping their skills updated and finely honed but also in adding new skills, whenever required. Continuous training and retraining, positive, a positive work culture and participative style of management, have engendered development of a committed and motivated work force leading to enhanced productivity and higher levels of quality.

Health, Safety and Environment Management

BHEL, as an integral part of business performance and in its endeavour of becoming a world-class organization and sharing the growing global concern on issues related to Environment. Occupational Health and Safety, is committed to protecting Environment in and around its own establishment, and to providing safe and healthy working environment to all its employees.





  summary of BHEL's contribution

to various core sectors

Power Generation



















        NO. OF       SETS






V 94.2

















Summary of BHEL's contribution to various core sectors


Over the years, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited has emerged as world class Engineering and Industrial giant, the best of its kind in entire South East Asia. Its business profile cuts across various sectors of Engineering/Power utilities and Industry. The Company today enjoys national and international presence featuring in the "Fortune International-500" and is ranked among the top 12 companies in the world, manufacturing power generation equipment. BHEL has now 14 Manufacturing Divisions, 8 Service Centres and 4 Power Sectors Regional Centres besides a large number of project sites spread over India and abroad.
The Company is embarking upon an ambitions growth path through clear vision, mission and committed values to sustain and augment its image as a world class enterprise.
World-class, innovative, competitive and profitable engineering enterprise providing total business solutions.
The leading Indian engineering enterprise providing quality products systems and services in the fields of energy, transportation, infrastructure and other potential areas.
·        .
At Hardwar, against the picturesque background of Shivalik Hills, 2 important manufacturing units of BHEL are located viz. Heavy Electrical Equipment Plant (HEEP) & Central Foundry Forge Plant (CFFP). The hum of the construction machinery woke up Shivalik Hills during early 60s and sowed the seeds of one of the greatest symbol of Indo Soviet Collaboration – Heavy Electrical Equipment Plant of BHEL. Following is the brief profile of Heavy Electrical Equipment Plant:-
*        Established in 1960s under the Indo-Soviet Agreements of 1959 and 1960 in the area of Scientific, Technical and Industrial Cooperation.
*        DPR – prepared in 1963-64, construction started from October '63.
*        Initial production of Electric started from January, 1967.
*        Major construction / erection / commissioning completed by 1971-72 as per original DPR scope.
*        Stamping Unit added later during 1968 to 1972.
*        Annual Manufacturing capacity for Thermal sets was expanded from 1500 MW to 3500 MW under LSTG. Project during 1979-85 (Sets upto 500 MW, extensible to 1000/1300 MW unit sizes with marginal addition in facilities with the collaboration of M/s KWU-Siemens, Germany.
*        Motor manufacturing technology updated with Siemens collaboration during 1984-87.
*        Facilities being modernized continually through Replacements / Reconditioning-Retrofitting, Technological / operational balancing.
*        Gross Block as on 31.3.95 is Rs. 355.63 Crores (Plant and Machinery – Rs. 285.32 Crores).
*        Net Block as on 31.3.95 is Rs. 113.81 Crores (Plant & Machinery – Rs. 76.21 Crores).
*        Hardwar is in extreme weather zone of the Western Uttar Pradesh of India and temperature varies from 2oC in Winter (December to January) to 45oC in Summer (April-June); Relative humidity 20% during dry season to 95-96% during rainy season.
*        Longitude 78o3' East, Latitude 29 o55'5" North.
*        Height above Mean Sea Level = 275 metres.
*        Situated within 60 to 100 KMs of Foot-hills of the Central Himalayan Ranges; Ganges flows down within 7 KMs from the Factory area.
*        HEEP is located around 7 KMs on the Western side of Hardwar city.
*        Telegraphic
          (Turbines, Generators, Condensers and Auxiliaries of unit capacity upto 1000 MW)

(Kaplan, Francis, Pelton and reversible Turbines of all sizes and matching generators and auxiliaries maximum runner dia – 6600 mm)

(For various industrial applications, pump drives & power station auxiliaries, Unit capacity upto 20000 KW AC / DC)

          (For Thermal / Hydro sets and Industrial Drives)

          (Unit Rating : 60-200 MW)



Steam turbine

Power  plant  market requirements have changed in recent years. The tendency for highly flexible
and efficient power plants with long revision intervals, life times ≥200 000h as well as low
investment costs have resulted in an increased effort in the improvement of design and materials.
One possible way to meet high efficiency requirements is to install sub-critical steam power
plants with live steam temperatures of T ≥565°C and an optimized steam cycle path. As a result,
new challenges have arisen for the design of a two cylinder steam turbine line for a capacity up to
700 MW. In addition, the realization of critical turbine components need improved design and
materials, which offer all possibilities for a cost effective and flexible service. At the same time,
the combined cycle power plant market demands constantly high performance, reliability and
operating flexibility at moderate prices for competitive life cycle costs. For this power range, two
cylinder designs are also typically applied for the steam turbine.
This paper outlines the different aspects of a modular design concept. The author’s company has
been following this concept in recent years with an aim to accurately fulfilling market
requirements. It has already been applied to various aspects of the two double-casing
configurations for both single and double-flow low pressure turbines. This paper provides
examples on how the concept has been realized within various design aspects and features, all
with an underlying target to produce steam turbines that meet all named market requirements at
competitive prices.


The world’s power generation markets have been deregulated to a large extent over the past few years, and this process is still ongoing. In order to remain competitive, power plants need to have Features that match with the requirements of the changing market. With the focus on cost efficient production of electricity, the most important requirements of today are low overall lifecycle costs, high reliability, availability and operating flexibility. Additionally, specific customer And local site requirements need to be met by the suppliers of power plants and components.
At the same time, the market demands continuously decreasing turbine delivery times and prices. Thus, one of the primary requirements of all steam turbine manufacturers is to standardize their products in order to meet the cost and delivery time targets while – at the same time – providing a high level of flexibility to their customers. This also helps to obtain optimum performance levels and product quality.

For steam turbines, the main design parameters are the power output, the steam conditions, the ambient temperature and the power plant configuration. In combined cycle power plants (CCPP) these are strongly related to the number and type of the installed gas turbines. In single-shaft units a gas turbine and a steam turbine commonly drive a single generator. For start-up and shutdown operations, this configuration requires a switch gear to separate the steam turbine from the shaft train. Multi-shaft configurations use independent gas turbine-generator and steam turbinegenerator sets. Commonly, one or two gas turbines power a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG), which drives the steam turbine-generator set.
Within a given CCPP configuration, the steam conditions depend on the power output and
temperature level of the applied gas turbine. Hence, as a result of the ongoing gas turbine
development, steam temperatures and mass flows are increasing continuously. Typically, the current generation of CCPPs (e.g. [8]) are designed for main steam conditions of 157 bar and
565°C, and reheat temperatures of 565°C. However, due to the numerous gas turbines in the
market, steam turbines need to be able to cover a wide power range for CCPP. This range may also be considerably increased if duct-firing is applied.
For sub-critical steam power plants (SPP) the market requires main steam temperatures up to
600°C at main steam pressures of 177 bar. Additionally, steam turbines for SPP need to feature steam extractions as well as an overload injection to support an optimum steam cycle design. In recent years the steam turbine division of the Siemens Power Generation Group has focused on the development of two-cylinder designs to cover the complete range of applications in CCPP and SPP up to a steam turbine power output of 700MW. The HE series, with a single flow LP, is applied for lower power range and high back pressures, whereas the KN series covers the upper power range and applications with large LP flows. For both product lines, particular effort has been made to fulfill the market requirements with respect to performance, availability, start-up
times and delivery times. Due to challenging price levels in the market, this could only be
achieved with a modular design concept. The concept allows for high flexibility in the design
phase, in order to deliver customer specific designs using standardized modules as a basis.
This paper will provide an overview of the two product lines, and give details on the application
of the modular concept within different aspects of steam turbine design.


For the power range from 100MW to 700 MW, Siemens provides two optimized two-cylinder steam turbine designs with single and double flow low pressure sections. For
applications with lower power output or high back pressures, the HE product line with single
flow LP is used. The flat floor mounted HE steam turbine set consists of a high pressure turbine module (H) and a single flow combined intermediate/low pressure module (E) with axial exhaust.
The H-turbine is a single-flow, full-arc admission machine. The steam enters through one
combined control and stop valve. The H-turbine casing uses the proven barrel-type design, which does not have horizontal flanges at the outer casing to ensure a homogenous distribution of the forces regarding main steam pressure and thermal load. Additionally, the design improves the


For the power range from 100MW to 700 MW, Siemens provides two optimized two-cylinder steam turbine designs with single and double flow low pressure sections. (Fig. 1). For applications with lower power output or high back pressures, the HE product line with single flow LP is used. The flat floor mounted HE steam turbine set consists of a high pressure turbinemodule (H) and a single flow combined intermediate/low pressure module (E) with axial exhaust. The H-turbine is a single-flow, full-arc admission machine. The steam enters through one combined control and stop valve. The H-turbine casing uses the proven barrel-type design, which does not have horizontal flanges at the outer casing to ensure a homogenous distribution of the forces regarding main steam pressure and thermal load. Additionally, the design improves the


For the power range from 100MW to 700 MW, Siemens provides two optimized two-cylinder
steam turbine designs with single and double flow low pressure sections. (Fig. 1). For
applications with lower power output or high back pressures, the HE product line with single
flow LP is used. The flat floor mounted HE steam turbine set consists of a high pressure turbine
module (H) and a single flow combined intermediate/low pressure module (E) with axial
The H-turbine is a single-flow, full-arc admission machine. The steam enters through one
combined control and stop valve. The H-turbine casing uses the proven barrel-type design, which
does not have horizontal flanges at the outer casing to ensure a homogenous distribution of the
forces regarding main steam pressure and thermal load. Additionally, the design improves the

Turbine Modules

For the K-Turbine, the full
application range from 100-700 MW
(for 60Hz) is covered with four
module sizes (Fig. 2). All modules
are based on the same design
philosophy in order to apply similar
proven design features to all turbines.
The latest design incorporates the K turbine
experience of the past 30
years from both Siemens and
The scaling factor between the different turbine modules have beenregard to turbine efficiency. As a result, the K-turbine family covers the complete application
range with a constantly high performance.
Additionally, the modular design yields further cost and delivery-time benefits to the customer.
Firstly, developmental efforts for new K-turbine types is considerably reduced and contract
specific design work is minimized, while at the same time the high level of reliability is
maintained. Secondly, the long lead time items are standardized for 50Hz and 60 Hz applications
in order to reduce the delivery times. As an example, identical casing patterns can be used for
50Hz and 60Hz as well as for CCPP and SPP applications. Due to the design of the patterns,
required extractions and overload admission can be added by means of separate parts.


The turbine modules are furthermore divided into sub-modules of different sizes, which may be
combined as required. This approach has been especially favorable for the E-turbine, since size
of the IP part is mainly linked to the main steam flow, whereas the size of the LP part also
strongly depends on the ambient temperature. Therefore the modular concept consists of a
standardized axial separation plane between the IP and LP casings and of a welded rotor module.

The modular concept yields an optimum number of
required components to cover a wide range of
applications for both CCPP and SPP. For the latter, an
additional set of casing components is available with
steam extractions. Again, the main benefits from the
modular concept are reduced prices and delivery times
due to the standardized long lead time items – while at
the same time a very high performance level is


The HP, IP and LP admission valves comprise stop and
control valves arranged at right angles to each other and
combined in a single casing (Fig. 4). For both the E and
the K turbines, the valve assembly is provided with a flange connection at the bottom of the outer
casing of the turbine.
The modular valve concept consists of a standardized connection to the turbine casings for
different sizes. Thus different valve sizes can be assembled to a single turbine size, and a single
valve fits to different turbine types. Hence an optimum valve arrangement with respect to flow
velocities can always be applied to achieve maximum element efficiency.


The HE and the KN steam turbine arrangements both consist of three bearings. All three bearing
pedestals are separated from the turbine casings and are supported directly on the foundation.
Only one bearing is located between the turbine sections to
minimize the effect of foundation
deformation on loads to bearings
and shaft journals. Axial thermal
expansion of the entire rotor train
starts at the combined journal and
thrust bearing as the fixed point. If
required, the bearing pedestal can Only one bearing is located
between the turbine sections to
minimize the effect of foundation
deformation on loads to bearings
and shaft journals. Axial thermal
expansion of the entire rotor train
starts at the combined journal and
thrust bearing as the fixed point. If
required, the bearing pedestal can design with optimum
efficiencies is delivered to the
Different to the other elements
of the steam turbine, the
primary goal of standardization
with regard to HP/IP blading
has been to standardize the
“way to the product” instead of
the product itself. The basis is
a strictly modular concept of
bladepath construction from standard and proven elements (e.g. airfoils, roots, grooves, shrouds,
extractions, locking devices). As an example (Fig. 7), the composition of a single blade from
root, shroud and airfoil is demonstrated. For each element, different types exist for the various
applications, each type having its own advantages and disadvantages with respect to
performance, mechanics and costs. Within the modular concept all these different types may be
combined freely to give an optimum blade for the specific design boundary conditions such as
aerodynamics, forces, materials and temperatures. Hence, cylindrical, twisted or bowed airfoils
can be assembled with any of the roots or shrouds. Details on the concept applied for HP/IP
blading are given in


Besides the main steam flow, the second major design parameters are the main steam conditions.
Main steam temperatures are continuously increasing to optimize the overall performance of
SPPs, and as in gas turbine development, also for CCPPs. At the same time high temperatures
require expensive material to withstand the associated optimum pressure levels. In order to keep
price increase moderate for such advanced steam cycles, one focus of the modular concept is to
reduce the amount of required high-temperature material to a minimum. The basic design
elements of the concept are:
to apply identical designs for the main components at different temperature levels (e.g. 565°C
and 600°C) and thereby only to change material.
to weld main components in order to minimize the amount of high-temperature material.
to shield components against the hot steam.to cool affected areas.
The application of the concept to HE
and KN product lines will be outlined

K-Turbine Material Concept for
Temperatures up to 600°C

The combined HP/IP turbine (KTurbine,
Fig. 8) consists of a top and a
bottom half of inner and outer casings
with horizontal flanges. The thermal
load due to the high main steam and
reheat steam temperatures and
pressures is completely carried by the inner casing. For this reason, the material of the inner
casing is selected according to the specific application temperatures. Similarly, the rotor material
is chosen depending on the size of the K-turbine, the application temperature and the rotational
speed (50 or 60 Hz).
Steam Temperature
Main / Reheat Steam
Variant 1
540°C / 540°C
Variant 2
566°C / 566°C
Variant 3
600°C / 600°C
600°C / 620°C
(50Hz or 60Hz) low alloyed
low alloyed
high alloyed
high alloyed high alloyed
Inner Casing low alloyed low alloyed high alloyed high alloyed
Outer Casing globular cast
globular cast
globular cast
globular cast
Valve Casings
low alloyed
high alloyed
low alloyed
high alloyed
high alloyed high alloyed

Table 2: K-Turbine and Valve Materials

The design consists of special features which shield the outer casing from the hot main steam and
reheat steam temperatures. The valve is connected to the inner casing via a flexible L-ring and a
thermo sleeve that guides the hot steam directly into the inner casing and the HP or IP blading
respectively. As a result, the outer casing only needs to withstand the IP-exhaust pressure andtemperature. Therefore the outer casing material for all applications is globular cast iron, which
yields considerable cost reductions.
Similarly, the valve casing materials are cost optimized for different design pressure and
temperature regimes.
As an example of the modular material concept, an overview of the K-turbine material
combinations applied for different main steam and reheat steam temperatures.

Welded Rotor Design

A welded design has been applied
to the rotor of the new E-turbine.
The required material
properties for the hot IP section
with smaller blades and the cold
LP section with large centrifugal
forces are completely different.
Therefore, only a welded rotor
design enables the use of optimal
materials for both the hot IP
section and the cold LP section.
The combination of two materials
for the rotor yields an optimum of
mechanical properties over a wide reheat temperature range: up to 565°C 2%-Cr-steel is utilized
for the IP rotor block and the inner casing. Up to 600°C, the rotor and inner casing material is
substituted by a 10%-Cr-steel. The LP rotor block consists of a 3.5%-Ni-steel. The rotor welding
seam is positioned behind the LP front stages. This offers the advantage to implement a cost
effective welding seam at the low diameter of the IP drum.

Cooling of Dummy Piston

To achieve maximum thermodynamic efficiencies, a straight-flow design was chosen for the new
E-turbine. In contrast to a reverse-flow concept, the chosen straight-flow design requires a large
IP piston diameter for sufficient axial thrust compensation. Due to the mechanical impact of this
large piston diameter at reheat temperatures, a forced rotor cooling has been developed for the IP
piston to ensure high life cycles. Cooling steam (350°C) from the cold reheat is blown into a special mixing space in front of the
IP piston and mixed with hot reheat steam (between 565°C and 600°C) from the IP inlet to
achieve an optimum temperature of 450°C. At this temperature, two advantages for both the IP
rotor and the IP piston are combined: optimum rotor life cycles and minimum clearances at the
IP piston seal. Thereby 2%-Cr-steel can be used for the IP rotor up to temperatures of 565°. Thus,
performance and reliability remain at a high level without increasing material costs. The cooling
system has successfully been tested in E-turbines with high temperature capability in the US market.


The third major design parameter with respect to modularity is the volume flow through the LP
end stages, which is directly connected to the mass flow and the condenser pressure. The
performance of the last stages and the exhaust diffuser is strongly related to the mean axial
velocity in this area. A number of different LP sizes are therefore required to cover the range of
condenser pressures without compromising the performance of the LP section. In this case, the
focus of the modular concept is to achieve an optimum balance between maximum LP
performance and moderate costs. Therefore, the main targets where set
to define an optimum set of LP standard stages to cover the required range of volume flows.
to enable cost effective connections of all required combinations of LP and IP components
and thereby to maintain optimum
Thereby, a large condenser pressure range of
20 to 200mbar is being considered.

LP Blading

Since the axial velocity after the last blade is
primarily related to the exit area (and not to
length of the last blade), a homogenous
distribution of exit areas has been chosen for
the Siemens family of LP standard stages . For each of the given exit areas, a

Free Standing LP End Blades

In general, the last two rows of LP moving blades are designed as free-standing blades with
curved fir-tree roots for a homogenous stress distribution. The highly-efficient three-dimensional
airfoil design consists of super-sonic tip section for the large end blades (Fig. 10). The inlet edge
is flame or laser hardened, respectively, to prevent from droplet erosion.
Additional erosion protection measures are applicable to the last stationary blades. They are
designed as hollow blades that either consist of drainage slots (Fig. 11) to remove moisture from
the blade surface or can be heated with steam. An advanced three-dimensional airfoil design is
applied in order to increase stage reaction at the blade hub and hence improve performance at
low loadIn order to allow for larger axial
movement due to thermal expansion,
non-interlocking labyrinth seals are
applied within the LP section of the
turbine. The seal design provides an
optimum sealing efficiency within a
relatively short seal length.

LP Exhaust Casing for Single Flow ETurbine

The modular concept of the E-turbine
provides only three different LP exhaust
casings to cover the complete exit area
range specified in table 1. The six
related sets of standard LP stages are
installed by means of standardizedinterfaces. Also, the axial joint between the LP exhaust casing and the IP outer casing is a standard interface that allows any combination
of sizes of the two casings. Fig. 12 shows the LP exhaust casing module for the 12.5m2 exhaust

Exhaust Geometry Optimization

Detailed computational fluid analyses are performed in the design phase, in order to optimize the
geometry of the LP turbine exhaust as well as the transition region to the condenser. In
conjunction with measurements on models and on turbines in the field, effort is focused on
increasing exhaust pressure recovery and hence improving the overall steam turbine
As an example, Fig. 13 shows the results of an exhaust analysis with flow lines for a classic
turbine deck arrangement with the condensers mounted below the turbine. The steam flow
downstream of the last turbine stage passing into the exhaust hood shows considerable vortices,
which were also observed in the flow in the exhaust casing itself. As vortices cause energy loss
in the flow, guide vanes have been installed to improve flow and thereby reduce pressure losses.


For a power range from 100MW up to 700MW Siemens provides the HE and KN steam turbine
product lines for both CCPP and SPP. Both turbo sets consist of a two casing design. The HE is
applied where a single flow LP section is
sufficient to take the steam flow at optimum
velocities. For large power output and low
condenser pressures the KN product line with a
double flow LP turbine is applied.
Both designs are based on a modular design
concept. Details have been given in the paper on
how the concept is applied to compensate for
the effects of the major design parameters power
output, temperature and condenser pressure.
Thereby, the main targets are to reduce the
number of variants of major components and to
minimize the material cost impact of high

The concept has successfully been applied within the HE and KN product lines and is seen a
fundamental basis to fulfill the challenging requirements in today’s steam turbine market. The
reduced number of major components ensures short delivery times and low costs. At the same
time the concept stands for reliability due to the application of proven Siemens technology and
similar designs through-out each set of module sizes. Special design features such as the welded
E-turbine rotor contribute to short start-up times and operational flexibility. All configurations
consist of Siemens latest LP standard stage designs. In the HP and IP sections a highperformance
fully three-dimensional reaction blading is applied, which is designed on a contract
specific basis to provide maximum blade path efficiency.
Hence, Siemens’ two casing designs have been optimized to fulfill the market’s most important
requirements of low overall life cycle costs, high reliability, availability and operating flexibility
in order to support the customer focus on cost efficient production of electricity.

          All the components of Gas Turbine are machined and assembled using the facilities available for manufacturing of steam and hydro turbines except the following facilities which are procured exclusively for the manufacturing of Gas Turbine and are installed in the areas specified for gas turbine manufacturing.
a)       Hydraulic Lifting Platform
          This facility is used for assembly and disassembly of G.T. Rotor. This is a hydraulically operated platform which travels upto 10 M height to facilitate access to different stages of Rotor. This is installed in Bay-I assembly area.
b)      CNC Creep Feed Grinding M/c.
          This is installed in Gas Turbine machining area Bay-II Extn. This M/c grinds the hearth serration on rotor disc faces. Hirth serrations are radial grooves teeth on both the faces of rotor discs. Torque is transmitted trough these serrations, which are very accurately ground.
c)       External Broaching Machine
          This machine is installed in GT machining area and is used to make groove on the outer dia of rotor discs for the fitting of moving blades on the discs.
d)      CNC Facing Lathe
          This machine is installed in GT machining area and is used basically for facing rotor disc but can turn other components also.

e)       CNC Turning Lathe
          This machine is installed in Bay-I Heavy Machine Shop and is used to turn Tie Rods of Gas Turbine, which have very high length / diameter ratio. Tie-Rod is a very long bolt (length approx. 10 meter & dia 350 mm) which is used to assembly and hold the gas turbine rotor discs to form a composite turbine rotor.
f)       Wax Melting Equipment
          This is low temp. electric furnace installed in Gas Turbine blading area in Bay-II. It is used to mix and melt Wax and Colaphonium, which is required to arrest the blade movement during the blade tip machining of stator blade rings.
g)       Gas Turbine Test Bed
          This test bed is installed near the Gas Turbine Machining area in Bay-II. This facility is used to finally assemble the gas turbine. Combustion chambers are not assembled here, which are assembled with main assembly at the site.

h)      Combustion Chamber Assembly Platform
          This facility is a 3 Tier Platform installed in Bay-I assembly area and is used for assembly of Combustion Chambers of Gas Turbine.

          The major processes involved in various Hydro Turbine Sections are as follows:
-         Marking and checking of blanks – manual as well as with special marking M/c.
-         Machining on Horizontal Boring, Vertical Boring, Lathes etc. as the case may be on CNC /Conventional Machines.
-         Intermediate assembly operation is carried out on the respective assembly beds provided.
-         Then the assembly is machined as per requirement.
-         The sub-assemblies are further assembled for hydraulic/functional testing. Hydraulic testing is done using a power driven triple piston horizontal hydraulic pump which can generate a pressure of 200 Kg/Cm2. It  can also be carried out using a power pack.
On Governing elements / assembly and test stand, the components / sub-assemblies / assemblies are tested up to a hydraulic pressure of 200 Kg / c m2 using the piston pump. Oil testing upto 40 Kg / c m2 is carried out with oil pumping.

1.       Item Description             :         CNC Horz. Borer
          Model                                       :         RAPID 6C
          Supplier                          :         WOTN, GERMANY
          CNC Control System       :         FANUC 12M
          Spindle Dia.                    :         200mm
          Table                              :         4000 x 4000 mm
          Max. Load on Table        :         100 T
          Travers                           :         X=20000, Y=5000, X=1400mm
          Ram traverse                            :         W = 1000 mm
          Ram size                         :         400 x 400 mm
          Power Rating                  :         90 KW
          Weight of the m/c           :         111 T
          ATC Capacity                 :         60 Nos.
          Plan No.                         :         1-227 (Block-I)


2.       Items Description            :         CNC Centre Lathe
          Supplier                          :         HOESCH MFD, GERMANY
          Centre Distance              :         8000 mm
          Swing Over Carriage       :         1800 mm
          Swing Over Bed              :         2400 mm
          Spindle Speed                 :         0 – 125 RPM
          Power Rating                  :         92 KW
          Weight of the Job            :         110 TON
          Weight of the m/c           :         124 TON
          Plan No.                         :         2-394 (Block-III)

3.       Item Description             :         CNC Horz. Milling M/c (6 Nos.)
          Model                                       :         BFH-15
          Supplier                          :         BATLIBOI, INDIA
          CNC Control System       :         SINUMERIK 810 M
          Table                              :         1500 x 400 mm
          Traverse                          :         X=1170 mm
                                                          Y=420 mm
                                                          Z=420 mm
          Spindle Speed                 :         45 to 2000 RPM
          Power Rating                  :         11 KW
          Max. Load Capacity        :         630 Kg
          Weight of the m/c           :         4200 Kg
          Plan No.                         :         2-449, 2-453, 2-454, 2-459, 2-460 (Block-


4.       Item Description             :         SPL. Purpose 6 Station T-Root Machining Centre (2nos.)
          Supplier                          :         MIH, JAPAN
          CNC Control System       :         FANUC 7M
          Indexing Table                :         1900 mm dia
          Indexing Position            :         6 Nos.
          Plan No.                         :         2-356, 2-41 (Block-III: TBM)


5.       Item Description             :         CNC Vertical Borer
          Model                                       :         TMD – 40 / 50
          Supplier                          :         OSAKA MACHINES, JAPAN
          CNC Control System       :         FANUC 6TB, 3TC
          Table dia                         :         4000 mm
          Turning dia                     :         5000 mm
          Turning Height               :         4200 mm
          Spindle Speed                 :         0.23-30 RPM
          No. of Ram                     :         2
          Power Rating                  :         75 KW
          Max. Load Capacity        :         70T
          Make                                          :    Marbaix Lapointe, UK
          Model                                         :    Champion 32 /10, 300
          CNC System                               :    SINUMERIC 850 M
          Broaching capacity (pulling force)    : 320 KN
          Broaching slide stroke                 :    10.3 mm
          Broaching slide width                  :    1500 mm
          Max tool length (continuous /row)   : 9650 mm
          Broaching Speed (cutting stroke) :    1-25 M/min
          Broaching Speed (return stroke)   :    60 M/min
          Drive power rating                      :    135 KW
          Broaching slide movement          :    Electro-mechanical
          Maximum noise level                  :    < 80 Dbs
          Max. dia of the disc (mountable) :    2300 mm
          Max. weight of the job                :    3000 Kgs
          Indexing & rotating tables f        :    1500 mm, 1000 mm
          Indexing accuracy                       :    +/- 3 Arc sec.
          Plan No.                                     :    2-485
          Make                                          :    ELB CHLIFE, GERMANY
          Model                                         :    ELTAC SFR 200 CNC
          CNC System                               :    SINUMERIC 3 GG
          Work-piece diameter                   :    200 – 2000 mm
          Work height                                :    2400 mm
          Rotary & indexing table dia.        :    2050 mm
          Indexing accuracy                       :    +/- 1 ARC SEC
          Max. load capacity                      :    20000 KG
          Y-axis (grinding head movement)    
          Vert. Traverse                             :    750 mm
          Z- axis (grinding head support)
          Movement on cross rail)             
          Horizontal traverse                      :    2400 mm
          Traverse feed rate                        :    02 – 1200 mm /min
          Grinding head main support
          Drive motor                                :    34 KW
          Grinding wheel max. dia.            :    500 mm
          Max. width                                 :    100 mm
          Bore                                           :    203.2 mm
          Surface speed                              :    16-35 M/Sec.
          Plan No.                                     :    2-491
          Make                                          :    LANDRIANI, ITALY
          CNC System                               :    SELCA
          Work-piece diameter                   :    Upto 250 mm
          Work Length                              :    200 mm
          Plan No.                                     :    2-487




             materials specification

X20 – Cr – 13
A.    13% Cr. Stainless Steel Bars  (Hardened & Tempered)
1.       General                      :     This specification governs the quality of stainless steel bars of grade X20 – Cr. –13
2.       Application                 :     For machining of moving and guide blades of steam Turbine.
3.       Condition of Delivery :     Hot rolled / Forged & hardened and tempered. The bars shall be straight and free from waviness.
4.       Complete with standards: There is no Indian standard covering this material.
          Dimension                  :     Bars shall be supplied to the dimensions specified in the purchase order unless otherwise specified in the order. The bars shall be supplied in random length of 3 to 6 meters with a maximum of 10% shorts down to meter.
Ø  Forged bars shall be supplied in length of 1.5 to 3 meters.
     Tolerance                        :     The tolerance on cross sectional dimensions shall be as per table.
     5.1.   Hot Rolled Bars            :      Tolerance on hot rolled flat bars shall be as specified below :
"b" width across flates mm
Allowable deviation on "b" mm
"s" thickness mm
Allowable devi. on 'S' mm
Up to 35
+ 1.5
Up to 20
Over 35 and Upto 75
+ 2
Over – 20 and Upto – 40
+ 2
Over 75
+ 3
Over 40
+ 3
Note : Other tolerances shall be as per DIN 1017. Twisting and bending off the bars shall not exceed 0.001X length of the bar. Bulging on the sides shall not be more than 0.01 x b and 0.01 x s respectively.
     5.2                               Forged Bar                   :         Tolerances on size for forged bars shall be +8% of the size.
     6.1      The steel shall be manufactured in basic electric furnace process and subsequently vacuum degassed or electric slag refined (ESR). Any other process of meeting shall be subjected to mutual agreement between supplier & BHEL.
     6.2      For manufacture of flat bars, if initial material is other than ignot (e.g. continuous casting), supplier shall mention it in his quotation for prior approval  from BHEL.
     7.1      The bars shall be heat treated to get the desired mechanical  properties specified in this specification. The hardening temperature shall be in the range of 980 – 10300C and the tempering temperature shall not be below 6500C As per DIN-19440.
     7.2.     Minimum possible residual  stress shall be aimed with slow cooling and longer duration of tempering treatment.
     7.3.     If the bars require straightening after heat treatment, the bars shall be stress relieved after straightening operation at 300C below the actual tempering temperature.
     8.1      The bar shall be free from lamination cracks, scabs, seams, shrinkage porosity, inclusions and other harmful defects.
     8.2      Decarburisation and other material defects shall not exceed the dimensional tolerances and machining allowances.
9.  FINISH :
     9.1      The bar surface be smooth, free from laps, rolled in scale etc. Dents roll marks. Scratches are permitted provided their depth does not exceed half the tolerance limits specified in table.
     9.2      Repair of surface flaws by welding in not permitted
     9.3      The edges of bars shall be cut square by swaing or shearing.
 10. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION :   The chemical composition of material shall be as follows (table analysis in %)

11.                 SELECTION OF TEST SAMPLES :
     11.1          Chemical analysis shall be reported on each heat basis..
     11.2          For Mechanical Test
          11.2.1   One tensile & 3 impact test  samples shall be selected for mechanical testing per melt per heat treatment batch basis from lot of size.
          11.2.2   The uniform strength of a delivery shall be certified through hardness test. In case of bars with sectional dimensions more than 120mm, all the bar shall be tested for hardness. In case of bars with sectional dimension less than or equal to 120mm hardness shall be checked on 10% of the bars or 10 numbers of bars which ever is higher.
          11.2.3   The mechanical and notch impact test is to be done in longitudinal direction on the hardest and softest bars. Test sample shall be to Km. at 1/3rd below the surface of the bars.
 12.    Mechanical Properties :
     12.1          The material shall comply with the following mechanical properties at room temperature.
          0.2%                                            :     600 N/MM2 Min
          Tensile strength                           :     800 – 950 N/mm2
          % Elongation on 5.65             :     15 min.
          % reduction in area                      :     50 min.  *
          Impact (mean of 3.1S0 – V sample)    :         20 J min.
          Hardness (HB-30)                         :     280
* The smallest value shall be at least 14 J.
     12.2          Tensile test shall be carried out in accordance with IS : 1608 or equivalent international standard.
     12.3          Impact test shall be carried out on 3 ISO-V samples in accordance with IS : 1757 or equivalent international standard only one test value out of three, can be below the specified value ; but in no case it should be below 2/3rd of the minimum specified value; but in no case it should be below 2/3rd of the minimum specified impact value.
     12.4          Hardness test (Brinell) shall be carried out according to IS : 1500 or equivalent international standard.
13.                 NON DESTRUCTIVE TEST  :   Following NDT shall be carried out.
     13.1          UT of the prematerial combined with 100% magnetic partial testing of all bars in delivery condition.
     13.2          Complete UT of all bars in delivery condition.
     13.2.1        In case of testing as per 14(a) U.T. shall be carried out as per HW 0850 192 (SEP 1923) test class D3 and MPI of all bars except of face areas. In case of testing as per 14(b) UT shall be carried out as per HW 0850 192 (SEP 1923) test class D2.
     13.2.2        Mix up test (verification test) of all bars.
     13.2.3        Visual inspection of all bars
     13.2.4        Acceptance Criteria 
a)     Magnetic Particle Test  : When MT is carried out as per clause  14.1.
·           Surface defects with expected depth > 1 mm are unacceptable.
·           Indication > 5 mm are unacceptable.
Defect indication observed during MT, can be removed by grinding (dressing up) but with in 1mm depth.
b)     Ultrasonic Test  :  Quality class 2b with following modification that individual indication > 2mm EFB (KSR) and back wall losses > 3dB are unacceptable.
X2 – CrMoV1 21
B.    600 N/MM2 minimum 0.2% Proof stress Heat resistant steel bars for steam turbine blades
1.  General                           :      Hot rolled and forged bars of steel grades X22 CrMoV1 21.
2.  Application                      :      Bars are required for machining of guide and moving blades for steam turbines.
3.  Dimension & Tolerance   : 

"b" width across flates mm
Allowable deviation on "b" mm
"s" thickness mm
Allowable devi. on 'S' mm
Up to 35 & Over 35
± 1.5
Up to 20 & Over 20
Upto 75
+ 2
Upto – 40
+ 2
Over 75
+ 3
Over 40
+ 3
     4.  Chemical Composition :
          Element                              % min.                         % max.
          Carbon                                  0.18                              0.24
          Silicon                                  0.10                              0.50        
          Manganese                            0.30                              0.80
          Chromium                            11.00                            12.50
          Malybeonum                         0.80                              1.20
          Vanadium                             0.25                              0.35
          Nickel                                   0.30                              0.80        
          Sulphur                                   --                               0.020
          Phosphorous                            --                               0.030
          0.2 % proof stress                         :     600 N/mm2 min.
          Tensile Strength                           :     800-950 N/MM2
                % Elongation                               :     14 Min.
          % Reduction in area                     :     40% Min.
          Notch Impact Value                     :     27 J * Min.
                                                                   * Average of 3 IS0 – V Samples.

C.    600 N/MM2 0.2% Proof  Stress Forged Blades

1.    General               :           This specification governs the quality of guide and moving blades forged from steel grade X 20 or 13.
2.    Application          :           The blades are used for steam turbines.
3.    Condition of Delivery:     The forged blades shall be supplied in heat treated forged blade shall be supplied with center holes made in accordance with respective technical requirements or ordering drawing.
4.    Dimensions & Tolerance: The dimension and tolerances shall be as per ordering drawing accompanying the order.
5.    Manufacture       :           The steel shall be manufactured in the blade electrical furnace and for subsequently refined to ensure turbine blade quality. The forgings shall be made as envelope forging or precision forging, subsequently machine / grinder to achieve the ordering drawing dimensions and surface finish.
6.    Heat Treatment :
       6.1.      The forging shall be heat treated to get desired mechanical properties.
       6.2.      The tempering temperature shall not be below 6500 C. The minimum residual are to be aimed through sufficient duration of the tempering treatment and the slow cooling rate from the tempering temperature.
       6.3.      The blades are to be straightened after heat treatment, each straightening operation is to be followed by a stress relieving temperature and in no case below 6100C followed by slow cooling.
7.    Freedom from Defects :  Blades shall be free from folds due to forging ; cracks, tearing and other material defects, elonganed non-metallic and jusions, seams etc. any blade blade containing such defects shall be rejected.
8.    Surface finish      :           The blade shall be supplied in a desoaled and deburred condition. The surface finish shall comply with the requirements specified on the drawing. In the surface is ground prior to blasting the the surface finish must be anouired in compliance with the finish specified on the drawing. Grinding may be performed to a depth not more than DH/2 and ground areas shall be blended over a length of LP/2. However DH Shall not be exceeded.
       DH                      :           Allowable profile deviation on the pressure side.
       LP                       :           Profile length measured from leading edge to trailing edge.
9.    Chemical Composition : The chemical analysis of the material shall confirm to the following :
          Element                              % min.                         % max.
          Carbon                                  0.17                              0.22
          Silicon                                  0.10                              0.50        
          Manganese                            0.30                              0.80
          Chromium                            12.50                            14.00
          Nickel                                   0.30                              0.80        
          Sulphur                                   --                               0.020
          Phosphorous                            --                               0.030
10.                                                     Selection of Test Sample  :       All tests and examination shall be performed on specimens taken in accordance with annexure 1 from at least one blade of each drawing per melts and heat treatment batch.

11.                      Mechanical properties : 
11.1  The mechanical properties of the blade material shall conform to the following :
          0.2 % proof stress                         :     600 N/mm2
          Tensile Strength                           :     800-950 N/MM2
                % Elongation                               :     15 Min.
          % Reduction in area                     :     50 Min.
          Impact Value (Average of            
          3, ISO – V Sample)                      :     20 J Min.
          Brinell hardness HB 30                 :     280 Max.
     11.2  Tensile Test :  The tensile test piece shall confirm to the gauge length.
11.3  Impact test shall be carried out on standard test piece as per ISO – V notch according to IS : 1757.
11.4  Hardness Test :  The brinell hardness test HB 30 shall be carried out according to IS : 1500.

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