Facebook has recently launched a new offer feature Coupon for the local businesses. Marketers can create coupons for their discount offers and share them on their timeline. Currently, this feature is restricted to the local business pages in the U.S. market. Most exciting part of this feature is that it is free to create, claim and share. This offer will encourage many more brick-and-mortar businesses to create their business pages on Facebook.
One of the best things about this offer is that it is very easy to create. Creating an offer is as easy as to update your status. Once posted, fans can easily claim the offer from your timeline with just a single click. With another click, they can share it on their timeline too. As soon as they claim for the offer, they will get a confirmation email with the coupon printed on it. Fans can easily redeem the offer at any of the brick-and-mortar store of that local business.
How to create ‘offer’ on Facebook?
Here are some steps to create “Offer” on your business page:
You will see the offer editor as shown in the image below:
Create a catchy headline for the offer that will work as call-to-action. Keep it simple so that readers can clearly understand the offer. Upload an appropriate image for the offer. The image will appear as a thumbnail (of size 90 ´ 90) with the offer. Use a square image for better results. You can either choose to limit the offer or leave it unlimited for users. Choose an expiration date for the offer. Preferably give a few days time, so that users can get across your offer and can share it. You can give additional details about the offer as terms and conditions. Click on ‘Preview’ to see how your offer will look like to the users.
Facebook recommends that you should not use slogans or phrases in the headline. Use an image that represents the offer not your company logo. Discounts higher than 20% or a ‘buy one get one free’ are more likely to grab users’ attention. If you follow these guidelines you can take full advantage of Facebook’s new feature “Offer.”
One of the best things about this offer is that it is very easy to create. Creating an offer is as easy as to update your status. Once posted, fans can easily claim the offer from your timeline with just a single click. With another click, they can share it on their timeline too. As soon as they claim for the offer, they will get a confirmation email with the coupon printed on it. Fans can easily redeem the offer at any of the brick-and-mortar store of that local business.
How to create ‘offer’ on Facebook?
Here are some steps to create “Offer” on your business page:
- Go to the Page settings
- Click on the ‘Basic Information’ tab
- Select ‘Local Businesses and Places’ from the drop-down menu of field ‘Category’
- Define an appropriate sub-category
You will see the offer editor as shown in the image below:
Create a catchy headline for the offer that will work as call-to-action. Keep it simple so that readers can clearly understand the offer. Upload an appropriate image for the offer. The image will appear as a thumbnail (of size 90 ´ 90) with the offer. Use a square image for better results. You can either choose to limit the offer or leave it unlimited for users. Choose an expiration date for the offer. Preferably give a few days time, so that users can get across your offer and can share it. You can give additional details about the offer as terms and conditions. Click on ‘Preview’ to see how your offer will look like to the users.
Facebook recommends that you should not use slogans or phrases in the headline. Use an image that represents the offer not your company logo. Discounts higher than 20% or a ‘buy one get one free’ are more likely to grab users’ attention. If you follow these guidelines you can take full advantage of Facebook’s new feature “Offer.”
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