No sooner did the urge of creation arise in Brahma, a vibration was created which is known
as Shakti (energy or power). This Shakti manifested as (Jad inanimate and chetan animate) objects and creatures. The inanimate creation is governed by material nature (Prakriti) and animate creation is governed by chitta Shakti which is known as Savitri. Through the union of Brahma and Savitri, all the four Vedas came into existence. Knowledge of all kinds originated from the Vedas and thereafter, Brahma created this material world comprised of the five basic elements. The secret behind this allegorical description is that from the interior or centre of the Uninvolved, Invariable, Absolute Divine Being, a lotus flower came into existence. According to the scriptures, in the beginning of the creation, the Supreme Absolute willed to get Himself multiplied, “Ekoham Bahusyam.” This willed vibration arose from the focal point and blossomed in the form of a lotus flower. Brahma, who is said to be born of lotus flower is one of the three basic manifestations of the Absolute Divinity- Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh symbolising creation, nurture and dissolution respectively.

Brahma started his work and created two kinds of creation, Chaitanya (animate) and Jad (inanimate). All living beings having desire, consciousness and ego fall under Chaitanya creation. This is an independent creation which is known as Pranmaya-kosh of the universe. Chaitanya (animate) element pervades the entire universe and is known as Pran. Ideas, will and emotions are three attributes of Pran-tatva which constitute the three coverings (bodies) of the soul – astral (Sukshma), causal (Karan) and physical (Sthool). All living-beings owe their consciousness and existence to this Pran-tatva. For creating Jad (inanimate) creation comprising matter, Brahma created five elements (Panchbhoot) viz. earth, water, air, fire and ether. The atoms of the entire material nature manifest as solid, liquid or gas.

Initially, need was felt for the power of will as, without it Chaitanya could not manifest. In the absence of Chaitanya energy, none could have knowledge about matter and it would have remained without any use. The utility of matter is for the convenience of manifestation of Chaitanya. Therefore, Brahma initially created Chaitanya and discovered will for knowledge. In Puranic language it can be said that Vedas or knowledge manifested first of all. The energies of conscious will (Sankalpa) and matter (Padarth) are the two arms of Brahma by which the work of creation is accomplished.

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